Little Ships Club Overnighter – June 15 to 16

by | May 15, 2019 | Boating, Club News

Little Ships Club

Our next boating event is approaching and we need to find out if you’re interested in joining us!

We’re planning on heading to The Little Ships Club on Saturday 15 June and come home on Sunday 16 June. This, of course, is a family friendly event and we would encourage everyone to attend as it is a great opportunity to meet other members! There is some specific information that you need to know though as bookings are ESSENTIAL for the mooring. Make sure you also check out the link for the Facebook event as well!

Want to come? Register for your free tickets here!

A Little Bit Of Information

We’re planning to meet at the Pontoon at 3 pm so you have your day free to do whatever and meet us there in the afternoon. Of course, we need to address the important facts such as food! Everyone that is joining us is invited to attend dinner at the club but again we need to know who is coming as to how many we book for!

If you are planning on attending you need to bring a copy of your boat insurance with you. This is just a confirmation for the LSC that they require. There will be a mooring fee however we are currently in negotiations to get a group discount – we will update you as we find out more.


If you think you might be interested in attending this event you MUST book your free ticket by 1 June. This information is essential for us so that we know how many people are coming. You can get your free tickets at the following link: Tickets.

Once again we thank you for your support surrounding these events and we can’t wait to hear from you with how many people you’re bringing!