A lifejacket is a vital piece of safety equipment that could save your life. The best idea is to make sure you wear it. Put the lifejacket on as part of your pre-trip preparation. It is a lot harder to put a lifejacket on in the water during an emergency. Lifejacket...
Vale – Val Altmann
Val Altmann passed away in June 2024. Val was a life member of the club and was a long serving member of the management committee. Val served the club as Secretary from 1978 to 2004 and as Editor from 1990 to 2004. She was an avid supporter of the club and will be...
ANACONDA Boat Ramp Event
JOIN US FOR A REEL GOOD TIME AT ANACONDA’S FISHING ACTIVATION RBC members have been invited to ANACONDA's event on the 5th of October at the Raby Bay VMR and Boat Ramp. The Anaconda Community Fishing event will run from 5:30am to 5pm and is completely free. ANACONDA...
2025 Member Renewal
Notice to all Members: 2025 membership renewals will be available from July 2024 and are due no later than 31 July 2024. Ordinary Membership $385.00 including GST Retiree Membership - $96.25 including GST Membership Renewal will be available during July 2024
Vale – Geoff Finegan
Geoff Finegan passed away last Wednesday & his funeral will be held on Wednesday, the 27th of September, at 2 p.m. at Hemmant Lawn Cemetery, Hemmant/Tingalpa Rd, Hemmant & afterwards at Waterloo Bay Hotel Berrima St Wynnum. Geoff bought a life membership when...
Club News April 2023
Change to the regular RBC dinner for April: All, please be advised that due to the first Friday in April being Easter – we have moved the next club dinner to Friday, 14 April. Doors open at 6 pm. Please notify Graham (Rear Commodore) on 0457 821 919 of your booking so...
2022 Chritmas Party Fully Booked
We are sorry to advise that the 2022 RBC Christmas party is now fully booked. Apologies if you have missed out, there is always next year or you can join us for one of our regular Club nights in 2023. Thanks for your Support RBC House Committee
It’s time to service your Lifejackets!
As national safe boating week draws to a close, it time to remind your members, customers, friends and family about servicing their lifejackets. Our friends at Maritime Safety Queensland have put together a short video which shows you what to do if you’re confident in...
2022 Family Friendly Fishing Competition
Hello Members. Come one come all, and join our Club Sponsored Fishing Competition. Cash Prizes to be won. (See the attached flier for terms and conditions). The competition runs for the Months of September and October 2022. Entry is free to all financial Ordinary...
2022 AGM
We would also like to advise you that our AGM will be held on Sunday, 21st of August 2022 at the clubhouse from 10am. We will report on the clubs activities throughout the year, present the clubs financial reports and audit, elect members of the management committee...