Weekend Overnighter – Blakesley’s Anchorage

by | Jul 16, 2019 | Boating, Club News

Blakesley’s Overnighter – Saturday July 27 to Sunday July 28

Join us for a Family overnighter to be held over at Blakesleys Anchorage (North Stradbroke) kicking off at 11am on Saturday July 27th with our Beach Camp, BBQ and fireplace set up.

Blakesleys is approx 10 minutes south from Dunwich.

RBC will supply – BBQ & Gas, BBQ Utensils, Rubbish Bins & Liners, Prep Tables x 2, Tarp Covers x 1 (cooking area) & some bottled drinking water.

As for our set up location on the beach, please just look for the RBC Beach Flag.

Members will need to BYO food and drinks, camp chairs, cutlery (if required), “bag of firewood for the communal beach fire”, some extra Shade Cover if required and a Tent if you’re camping on the beach overnight.

If you are interested in joining us, we’ll need you to register for you free tickets at the following link: Tickets.

Please note:As you can appreciate, a lot of work goes into planning these types of events so hopefully we’ll have your support on this one. In the event of bad weather and if the event has to be cancelled due to lack of support, we’ll advise all members via our RBC website, events email or SMS on the Friday afternoon beforehand. 

We look forward to seeing you all there!
Graham Wells
RBC Rear Commodore