Notice to Mariners – Raby Bay Dredging

by | Mar 6, 2017 | Boating

Issued by Brisbane Maritime Region on 23 February 2017
Area: Brisbane pilotage area
Locality: Moreton Bay – Raby Bay
Activity: Dredging Operations

Mariners are advised that Dredging Operations will be conducted in the approaches to Ross Canal and the channel towards the William Street Boat Ramp (near VMR Raby Bay) from 06 March 2017 to 30 September 2017. The “Ken Harvey”, supported by “Turtle”, “Sealion” and “Frank Wilson” will be conducting the works. Works throughout the period can be expected to occur in daylight hours, Monday to Friday.

To assist dredging operations, becaons in the approaches to the William Street boat will be temporarily replaced with buoys:
Port beacon 27°30.830’S, 153°17.102’E – Replaced with Port Lateral Buoy Fl.R.2.5s
Starboard beacon 27°30.860’S, 153°17.100’E – Replaced Starboard Lateral Buoy Fl.G.2.5s
Port beacon 27°30.759’S, 153°16.991’E – Replaced with Port Lateral Buoy Fl.R.4s
Starboard beacon 27°30.774’S, 153°16.979’E – Replaced Starboard Lateral Buoy Fl.G.4s

The dredge will deploy multiple mooring wires across and along the channel to safely position itself, displaying the designated shapes and signals indicating the safe side for passing. The dredge will maintain a listening watch on VHF channel 13 to assist in the arranging of safe passing. Mariners should navigate with caution, maintain a safe distance off and pass at slow speed with minimal wash.

Refer to notice: none
Cancel notice: none
AUS charts affected: AUS 236

Latitude and longitude positions are on WGS84 horizontal datum and are compatible with GDA94 datum.
For further information about this notice, please contact:

The Brisbane Regional Harbour Master’s office:
Phone: 07 3632 7500 Email:

Notice authorised by: Regional Harbour Master (Brisbane) – Maritime Safety Queensland