
These by-laws should be read with reference to, and in conjunction with the Rules of the Redlands Boat Club Incorporated, also known as ‘the rules’.

For the purposes of these by-laws, ‘r.’ means, the relevant section of the rules.

The management committee may make, amend or repeal by laws, not inconsistent with the rules, for the internal management of the association pursuant to r.40(1).

Any by-law may be set aside by a vote of members at a general meeting of the association pursuant to r.40(2).

Copies of Rules or By-laws

On acceptance into membership a new member will be provided with a copy of the rules and by-laws.

Following conduct of the AGM each year, as required, individual copies will also be provided to all Flag Officer’s and management committee members.

On application by a member, the secretary will make available to any member a copy of the rules and by-laws. The secretary may hold copies available for distribution to interested members, or these may be provided on the club’s web site for ease of access and reference by all members.

The Management Committee

Pursuant to r.18, membership of the management committee consists of a President (who shall be called Commodore), a Vice-President (who shall be called Vice-Commodore), a Treasurer, and any other members of the association who are so elected to the management committee at a general meeting.

Any member of the management committee, other than the secretary, must be a member of the association. At least 3 members of the management committee must own vessels registered in Queensland.

In addition to the management committee members above, the committee may also seek election of, or appoint a Rear Commodore, Publicity Officer/Webmaster, and Bar Manager.

Flag Officers

The Commodore, Vice-Commodore and Rear Commodore shall also be known as the Flag Officers of the association.

Appointment or Election of a Secretary

The association must also appoint or elect a secretary pursuant to r.15.

Immediate Past Commodore

The last retiring Commodore shall, on retirement have the title of Immediate Past Commodore.

Past Commodore

Any member who was previously elected and held Office as a Commodore, shall on retirement have the title of Past Commodore.

Functions of the Management Committee

Any elected management committee shall carry out its functions in accordance with r.22.

Meetings of the Management Committee

Meetings of the management committee shall be held in accordance with r.23

Where practicable the management committee will endeavour to meet monthly however, the management committee must meet at least once every 4 months pursuant to r.23(2).

Resolutions of Management Committee without a meeting

To remove any doubt, the Commodore (or in his/her absence the Vice Commodore), and or the Secretary, may deal with any urgent or emergent business. In such circumstances, the normal requirements for notice of a management meeting are waived.

Further, the urgent business may be resolved by telephone, email or other suitable means of communication and any resolution made may then be made in accordance with r.29.

Duties of Elected Officers

The duties of all officers of the association shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of the rules, the Associations Incorporation Act, the Liquor Act (as applicable), and in accordance with any by-laws, policies and/or guidelines as determined by the management committee from time to time.

Within this framework, the key duties of elected officers are as described below:

Commodore – shall

(a) provide leadership and direction to the Association;

(b) preside at meetings of the Association and meetings of the management committee;

(c) perform all the duties of the president defined in the rules and the Associations Incorporation Act;

(d) ensure that the decisions of the management committee are carried out;

(e) generally ensure that the interests of members are properly met and that in return, members adhere to the provisions of the Association’s rules and by-laws; and

(f) represent the association on official occasions.

Vice Commodore – shall

(a) act for and assist the Commodore as and when required;

(b) oversee any fund raising activities;

(c) be responsible for club-house activities and other shore-based events organized by the Association;

(d) where required chair any sub-committees and report to the management committee on its operations

Rear Commodore – shall

(a) be responsible for all boating, fishing and aquatic events organized by the Association;

(b) where required chair any sub-committee and report to the management committee on its operations

Treasurer – shall

(a) maintain the books of account and carry out all accounting requirements of the rules, making all such books and documents available for audit.

(b) present at each meeting of the management committee, for approval or ratification as the case may be, a statement of receipts and expenditure showing the current financial position of the Association.

Secretary – shall

(a) perform the functions of the secretary pursuant to r.17 and other relevant rules

(b) record minutes of all meetings,

(c) maintain an attendance book for each meeting,

(d) maintain a register of members as required by r.13 and Liquor Act (Section 88 (1));

(e) maintain a register of the names of each guest of a member or visitor to the Association’s premises;

(f) conduct the correspondence of the Association;

(g) unless otherwise determined by these by-laws or the management committee, have custody of the Common Seal (r.42) and all documents of the Association;

(h) maintain an up-to-date copy of the Associations Incorporation Act

(i) maintain an up-to-date copy of the rules and by-laws of the Association.

(j) on admission into membership provide each member with a copy of the rules and by-laws.

(k) upon request by any member provide them with access to, or a copy of the rules and by-laws.

Publicity Officer and/or Webmaster – shall

(a) organize and arrange any required publicity and advertising of activities and functions via the website or in local news media

(b) be responsible for editing, collating and distributing the club’s communications via the website or social media networks

Bar Manager – shall

(a) be responsible for and manage the club’s bar and report to the management committee on its operations

(b) hire, train and supervise any volunteer or casual bar staff

(c) supervise, monitor and report to the management committee on the operation of the bar, club functions, or hall hire

General Meetings

May be held at the discretion of the management committee, and at such times and place as the management committee determines from time to time.

However, as a minimum, the management committee shall aim to hold three (3) general meetings per year.
Notice of any general meeting shall be provided pursuant to r.33.

Quorum requirements and adjournment of any general meeting shall be pursuant to r.34.

Procedures at any general meeting shall be pursuant to r.35.

Voting at any general meeting shall be in accordance with r.36.

Minutes of any general meeting shall be maintained in accordance with r.39.

The order of business at a general meeting shall be at the discretion of the Commodore.

Annual General Meeting

The annual general meeting is to be held at a time and place determined by the management committee and in accordance with r.31. However, the annual general meeting must not be held any later than the 30th September each year.

Any business conducted at an annual general meeting shall be in accordance with r.32.

Special General Meetings

Any special general meetings shall be called pursuant to r.37.

Voting at Meetings

A member may only take part and vote in any general meeting in person pursuant to the provisions of r.35. Members may NOT vote by proxy voting – r.38.

Duty of Care

Flag Officers and management committee members shall ensure that all times they discharge their duty of care in accordance with their functions and duties, and act in the best interests of the members and association at all times.


Flag Officers and management committee members shall ensure that any official information about the club’s affairs or business decisions is not disclosed or used in a manner that is detrimental or contrary to the club’s best interests.

It should be noted that the obligation of confidentiality continues after an individual retires or ceases to hold office.

Conflict of Interest

Unless otherwise authorised by the management committee, Flag officers or management committee members must not own, operate or be directly involved in any business activity engaged in direct competition with the Club.

Conflicts of interest must be avoided. Where a conflict of interest arises, at the first available opportunity, a Flag Officer or management committee member must make a full and open disclosure of such conflict.

To avoid doubt, a conflict of interest may arise when our private interests conflict directly or indirectly with our obligations to the club, or when we receive a benefit (directly or indirectly) from doing or seeking to do business with the club.

When a conflict of interest is declared it shall be recorded in the minutes of the relevant management committee meeting, and the member declaring the interest shall not take any further part in any decision or matter at hand, unless; otherwise authorised by the management committee.

Ethical Behaviour

All members of the association, especially Flag Officers and management committee members must act in accordance with the behaviours set out below:

• act honestly

• treat all members with courtesy, dignity and respect; and

• protect the privacy and confidentiality of others; and by doing so you agree:

NOT to engage in:

• any form of racism or unlawful discrimination

• any form of harassment, bullying or verbal abuse

• any form of criminal or anti-social activity; or

• any form of behaviour that could be detrimental to, damage, harm or bring the reputation of the club into disrepute.

External Public Comment and Media Policy

To ensure that the club has a united, coordinated and consistent approach to all external communications, other than with the authority of the Commodore or in his/her absence the Vice-Commodore, no member of the association may make any written or verbal comment which represents, or purports to represent the views, expressed or implied, of the association.

External communication means; any written or verbal comment to any newspaper, magazine, radio/television station, internet based publication or social media platform as well as any comment to any Federal, State or Local Government politician or agency.

Privacy Policy Statement

The club’s privacy policy statement is available to any member on the club’s website.

Social Media Policy

Social networking is important to facilitate club, member and community communications and interactions. The club’s social media policy is aimed at protecting the interests of the club, and its members and is available to any member on the club’s website.

Membership Application, Admission and Rejection of Membership

Any new application for membership must be made in accordance with r.7

The management committee must consider applications for new membership pursuant to r.9.

Classes of Membership and Limitations on the Number of Members in Class

Classes of membership and the limitations of same including the number of members in any class, shall be in accordance with r.5

Pursuant to r.5, where the maximum numbers of members in any class has been reached, any new application for membership for that class may be accepted with or without payment, and the applicant will be placed on a waiting list until a membership vacancy occurs.

Appeal Against Rejection or Termination of Membership

A person whose application for membership has been rejected, any member whose membership has been terminated may appeal against same in accordance with r. 11 and 12.

Membership Joining and Annual Fees

The management committee shall review joining and membership fees on an annual basis, and submit a recommendation regarding fees appropriate for the next year, to a general meeting to be held before the end of March each year –r.8.

Recommendation of the management committee may include the provision of a discounted fee (25% of the current fee rate) for Ordinary Members who have maintained membership for a minimum of 10 consecutive years and who have also attained the age of 65 years. This class of membership is also known as a senior’s membership pursuant to r. 5.

Payment of Annual Fees

Annual fees shall be due and payable on the first day of July each year. Where a member has not paid his/her annual fees by 31 July each year, on the 1 August each year his/her access rights will be suspended until the fees are paid in full.

If a members annual fees are not paid in full prior to the conduct of the Annual General Meeting, at that AGM a motion will be moved to declare the member un-financial and his/her membership rights will be terminated.

Any member who has their membership rights terminated at an AGM due to non-payment of annual fees will need to make a new application for membership in accordance with the rules.

Special Membership Fees/Levies

In order to fund large property expenditures, including but not limited to; legal fees, lease fees, capital or infrastructure projects, the management committee may determine it necessary to apply a special membership fee or levy payable by each member, for a fixed or permanent period of time.

In the event that the management committee does make such a decision, the special levy will not be payable by members until such time as the levy or fee is agreed to by the members at a general meeting or special general meeting.


The management committee may consider and approve affiliation with, or accept affiliation from, other associations or clubs for the benefit of the club, and or its members.

Member Submissions or Requests

These may generally relate to the general functions of the Association, i.e. determinations relating to the objects of the Association, interpretation of or changes to the constitution rules or by-laws.

Any member submissions on such matters should be made in writing and be delivered to the secretary for inclusion in the next agenda of the management committee.

The management committee will consider such submissions and if it is unable to make a decision on a matter refer the matter to the next general meeting for decision by the membership.

Where the management committee makes a decision in relation to a particular matter, the decision of the management committee will be final and not subject to review or any appeal process other than in accordance with the rules.

Procurement Policy

Other than expenditure relating to an established service provider or utility, where an operational or capital expense item exceeds $5000, where practicable, at least 2 written quotes for the provision of the goods or services must be obtained and considered by the management committee.

Any member of the club may be invited to provide a quotation for goods or services, and if they do so, the management committee is obligated to ensure that the quotation offers, product or service quality, competitive pricing and value for money.

Establishment of Sub-committees

The management committee, as required from time to time, may establish or appoint sub-committees in accordance with r.27(1) to help with the conduct of the club’s operations. Any sub-committee created must operate in accordance with r.27.

Previous sub-committees have included, but not been limited to; House sub-committee, Boating Events sub-committee, and a Building and Maintenance sub-committee.

The appointed chairperson of any sub-committee may be; the Vice-Commodore, Rear Commodore or Immediate Past Commodore. Unless otherwise determined by the management committee, each sub-committee shall as a minimum, also consist of at least 3 other members of the association.

In addition, the Commodore may also be an ex-officio member of any sub-committee.

Members of a sub-committee may be appointed by the management committee, or elected or nominated from the floor of any general, special or annual general meeting.

Authority of Subcommittee

Each sub-committee, through its chairperson has all the necessary authority to carry out its purpose in accordance with the authority delegated by the management committee, the rules and these by-laws.

Sub-committee Membership and Terms of Reference

On establishment or appointment of a sub-committee, the management committee may also determine the membership of the proposed sub-committee, any reporting requirements and any financial delegations or limitations.

At its first meeting, the sub-committee shall establish a clear set of terms of reference which identify its purpose and goals, responsibilities, reporting obligations to the management committee and limits of any financial delegations.

A sub-committee may be established by the management committee for a limited or indefinite ongoing term.

Use of the Car Park, Boat Ramp, Pontoon and Other Facilities

This part of the by-laws sets out the conditions of use and entitlements of members to use the facilities located at the Club’s premises.

The club facilities include:

(a) the secure car and trailer compound

(b) the boat ramp

(c) the pontoon

(d) wash-down area; as well as

(e) toilet, shower and other amenities located at the club house.

The Purpose of These Facilities

These facilities are provided for the exclusive use and benefit of club members and their bona fide guests. The facilities are designed to assist members (exclusively) to launch and retrieve their boat in safety and comfort, as well meet the club’s objectives.

Membership, Access and User Rights

Your membership, access and facilities user rights are assigned to you personally as a nominated individual member.

These rights are not transferrable, cannot be shared, and you cannot loan or allow any other person, including family members or friends your membership, access or user rights.

It is important for you to understand that unless authorised by the management committee, allowing another person to use your membership, access or user rights may result in your membership rights being immediately suspended or cancelled for misuse.

Communication with you as a Member

The club has in excess of 400 members. Our primary means of communication with you will be via your nominated email address or the club’s website.

You should regularly check the club’s website for updates on boating, fishing and club social activities. You should also regularly check and update your member details on your profile page. Failure to update your details on line may result in your access rights being suspended.

RBC uses email, via mail chimp to bulk email members. If you unsubscribe from the email list, by law, we cannot send you important notices and emails. If you do not have email, or unsubscribe from the club’s service, you should immediately advise the secretary and arrange for an alternative means of receiving club notices, letters, renewal fees etc.

Club Membership Card and Identification

When using the club facilities, you should carry your club membership card and a suitable form of identification with you at all times eg. Driver’s licence.


It is your responsibility to ensure that you hold a current valid Queensland motor car and marine licence to permit you to operate your boat or vessel.

You are also obligated to operate your boat in accordance with Queensland’s maritime safety laws – You’re the skipper – You’re responsible!

Registration and Insurance

It is also your responsibility to ensure that any vehicle, boat or trailer you bring into the club premises is at all times registered pursuant to Queensland state law.

We also recommend that you maintain an appropriate level of vehicle, boat, motor and trailer insurance. As a minimum, we recommend that you have third party property or injury insurance at all times. In addition, depending upon the types of boating activities you engage in, you may also require additional insurances such as PWC cover or water ski cover.

General Terms and Conditions of Use

Use of the club facilities must also be in accordance with the following general terms and conditions of use; breaches of the terms and conditions of use may also result in your membership rights being immediately suspended or cancelled.

(a) Members may exclusively use the facilities to launch and retrieve their nominated boat/trailer combination.

(b) On joining the club, each member shall register with the secretary nominated specified car registrations, as well as boat and trailer registration combinations.

(c) The club will register your nominated details (vehicle/vessel/trailer) and we will supply you membership stickers that must be affixed to and displayed on both your boat and trailer at all times.

(d) It is your responsibility to ensure that the club has your correct contact details, as well as current boat/trailer combination registration details at all times.

(e) You should immediately notify the secretary of any changes via email, or immediately record any changes on your website, member profile page.

(f) Any vehicles unregistered with the club, with trailers attached not displaying club stickers, found within the car park area may be wheel clamped, towed or removed at the owner’s expenses.

(g) Failure to update or maintain your nominated car/boat/trailer details, or failure to display club registration stickers may result in suspension or cancellation of your access and user rights.

(h) Members shall only use the facilities to launch and retrieve the nominated boat/trailer when it is being deployed for their own use. To avoid any doubt, a member shall not use the facilities to launch their nominated boat/trailer for use by another party, or to launch another vessel;

(i) Members may use the facilities to launch a non-registrable dinghy or tender used in conjunction with their nominated boat/trailer.

(j) Members shall not permit any other person not entitled to do so to use the facilities.

(k) Members and/or visitors driving vehicles without trailers are NOT permitted to park in the secure compound.

(l) However, you may for example, launch your nominated boat and have another person take away your trailer/launch vehicle, and allow that person to return at a later time to collect/retrieve your boat. In such case, it is acceptable for the other person to temporarily hold the members access fob and exit and enter the facility purely for the purposes described herein.

(m) The pontoon is provided to assist you and your crew to board/alight from members’ vessels that are being launched and retrieved. The mooring time of members’ vessels must be reasonable in the context of the volume of use of the pontoon/ramp at the time, and must not unduly inconvenience other members.

(n) In special or emergency circumstances, members may apply for approval for a more extended stay by contacting the Commodore, or if the Commodore is unable to be contacted in an emergency, any one of the management committee members.

Boat and Trailer Maintenance

Unless otherwise authorised by a Flag Officer, no member shall conduct any repairs, maintenance or servicing, other than immediately necessary emergency repairs to any boat or trailer within the club compound or premises.

Personal Use of Club Utilities (Water/Electricity)

Unless otherwise authorised by a Flag Officer, members shall not use club utilities for exclusive personal use to affect repairs, maintenance or servicing of any boat or trailer.

Boat Wash-down Area

The main wash-down area is provided for the use of members to enable them to quickly hose down their trailer after launching, hose down their boat and trailer after retrieval, or flush engine motors. Boats and trailers should be positioned within the wash-down area so any water run off discharges via the pit drain. Use of the wash down area must be reasonable in the context of the volume of use of the pontoon/ramp at the time, and must not unduly inconvenience other members. As a guide a member should not occupy the wash-down area for any more than 5-10 minutes.

The washing of boats with detergents, or cleaning products, and or the detailing of boats in the wash-down area is not permitted under any circumstances. Reasonable use of the club’s water in the wash-down area is permitted in accordance with any general or specific water usage restrictions.

If the main wash-down area is occupied, and the ramp is not being used or occupied, a member may use the hose located beside the ramp gate, for wash-down purposes under the same conditions of use. If this area is used, members shall ensure that their boat and trailer are positioned on the boat ramp to ensure that excess water runs off down the ramp, and does not pool on the upper car park, ramp gate entry area.

RBC Boat Flag

In your joining pack, you will be provided with an RBC boat flag. We recommend that when on the water you fly the RBC flag at all times. The flag allows club members to identify you and your boat as belonging to the club, and whilst at the pontoon enables other members to identify that you are a club member who is authorised to use our facilities.

Compound Inspections

Flag Officers and management committee members will periodically conduct compound checks to ensure compliance with the terms and condition of use, and inspect cars and trailers for correct registration details against club records, and ensure display of club stickers on trailers.

Members Must Follow Reasonable Directions

Where a Flag Officer or management committee member identifies themselves as such, you must obey and follow all reasonable directions made. A member of the management committee has the authority to direct a member or person to take (or not to take) action where the committee member considers that the person is not using the facilities in a fair, reasonable and responsible fashion or for purposes that are inconsistent with the rules and by-laws.

Security and Access Control

(a) On joining the club you will issued with an access fob that will provide you with access to the club facilities.

The club operates an electronic access control system and periodically reviews member’s usage of the facilities. The club’s secretary maintains a register of access fob’s issued to each member.

(b) At all times your access fob remains the property of the association.

(c) Your access fob is not transferrable, and cannot be loaned, given to or used by another person except as expressly provided for in these by-laws. If you do lend, or allow another person to use your access fob, you will be held accountable and responsible for the actions of that person and you will be personally liable for their actions or any breaches under the by-laws.

(d) Tailgating another member through the main entry gate is not permitted. On each entry to the main gate you must swipe your access fob to ensure we have a record of your access into the facilities.

In the event that your access fob;

• does not operate correctly

• is lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed, or

• you cease to be a member (through termination or resignation)

You should immediately notify the secretary who will make appropriate arrangements for replacement and/or immediate return of your access fob.

Note: In the event that your access fob is lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed and you require a replacement access fob, the secretary will issue a new access fob following your payment of a replacement fob fee of $44.00.

(e) Security of the club’s facilities and your property is paramount at all times. Your cooperation is required if we are all to benefit from the security afforded by the facilities.

Some simple precautions are:

• Do not leave your vehicle in the car park if it is unsecured or unlocked

• Do not leave valuables or money inside your vehicle in plain view

• Do not leave your access fobs laying around or unattended

• If you find an access fob, take possession of it and hand it in to a Committee member as soon as possible

Closed Circuit Television (CCTV)

For your safety and security purposes the Club has installed a number of CCTV cameras through the facility and club house areas. These cameras operate 24/7 and continuously record imagery.

CCTV signage has been placed throughout the club facility and areas to advise you, and members of the public of CCTV cameras in operation.

The management committee members have user and access approval rights to review, copy and download imagery files for any purpose relating to the clubs operations.

Where a club member or third party requests approval to review and copy CCTV footage, such a request should be made in writing to the secretary. The request should include the reason for requesting the imagery, and the access level sought (review/copy) with as much detail as is possible including but not limited to, date/time, nature and circumstances of the incident under review. The secretary will refer the request to the management committee who will make a decision on the request.

The management committee may release any CCTV imagery to any law enforcement agency for the purposes of any criminal investigation.

Damage to Club Property

You should immediately report any suspicious activity, unauthorized or unlawful use or accidental or intentional damage of the club facilities to a member of management committee or if appropriate to the police, as soon as possible.

In the event that you accidentally or intentionally damage club property, RBC reserves the right to recover from you, any direct or indirect costs associated with the repair of any property damage.

Should you fail to report any accidental or intentional damage caused by you, the management committee may take immediate action to suspend or terminate your membership and access rights.

Care and General Use of the Facilities

Caring for, and keeping the facilities clean is a task for which we are all responsible. Your cooperation and assistance is required to help maintain the facilities in a clean and safe condition. The following rules therefore apply:

(a) Fish are not to be cleaned or gutted at or near any of the facilities, including the pontoon and boat ramp;

(b) Remove and take away any rubbish from the facilities, fish frames, bait and personal rubbish are not to be disposed of in the club’s waste bins.

(c) Unwanted or used fishing line may be disposed of in the Tangler Bins which are located near the wash-down area and pontoon gate. General rubbish is not to be placed in the Tangler Bins.

(d) Leave the facilities clean and tidy after use, and please help by cleaning up any rubbish that other persons (your fellow members!) may have left behind;

(e) Park your car and trailer in the parking bays provided.

(f) Do not park in areas marked no parking. Do not park in front of or obstruct any pedestrian or entry gates.

(g) Cooperate with other members, and Observe Boat Ramp Etiquette. These simple steps make launching at any ramp a more pleasant experience for everyone.

• Make sure you have conducted any safety briefings with your crew

• Ensure your crew are organized and know what to do in the launch and retrieval process

• Make sure your boat is loaded with gear etc. And 100% ready to launch without delay BEFORE you back down the ramp

• Be patient, be courteous, wait and take your turn

• Consider assisting or helping other members to launch or retrieve so as to speed up the process

• Use only one lane of the ramp

• Quickly launch and/or retrieve your boat

• Once your boat is launched/retrieved, immediately remove your vehicle and trailer from the ramp so you don’t clog it up and delay others.

• Give assistance and courtesy to other members whenever you can.

Breaches of the Rules, By-Laws or General Policies

All members shall act in accordance with the aims and objectives of the association r.3, the rules, by-laws and general policies as set by the management committee from time to time.

Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action against a member which may include a suspension of club membership and access rights or, if the matter is of a serious nature, even termination of your membership.

In the unlikely event that the Club needs to take any disciplinary action against you, for minor matters a club Flag Officer will directly contact you and seek your explanation and comment on the incident or matter in question.

The Flag Officer will advise you if the matter requires consideration by the management committee, when that consideration will occur, and they will give you an indication of any standing penalty which may be imposed. The Flag Officer will refer the matter for consideration by the management committee who will decide if any penalty may be imposed.

Standing Penalties

For a first offence against the rules or by-laws, the management committee has determined that a standing penalty of 6 weeks suspension of membership and access rights will apply. The decision of the management committee in this regard is final and not subject to any appeal process.

For a second offence against the rules or by-laws, the management committee has determined that a standing penalty of 12 weeks suspension of membership and access rights will apply. The decision of the management committee in this regard is final and not subject to any appeal process.

The management committee has decided that the following breaches may be eligible for a standing penalty to be applied;

• allowing another person, family members or friends to use your
membership, access fob or user rights

• failing to update your personal details, car, boat and trailer
registration details with the Secretary or on your RBC member profile

• failing to have a valid, current membership sticker displayed on
your boat and/or trailer

• permitting or allowing any person not authorised to do so, to use
the club facilities

• causing or allowing the parking of a vehicle without a trailer
attached within the compound area

• without approval, conduct repairs, maintenance or servicing to any
boat, vessel or trailer

• without approval use club utilities (water/electricity) for
exclusive personal use

• washing down or detailing boats/vessels/trailers with detergents or
cleaning products

• failing to follow the reasonable directions of a Flag Officer or
management committee member

• tailgating another member through the main entry gate

• fail to report a lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed access fob

• failing to report any accidental or intentional damage to club property

• cast netting, cleaning or gutting of fish on the pontoon or boat ramp or within
club facilities

• leaving or dumping rubbish within club premises

• parking of a car/boat/trailer in a NO PARKING area, or obstructing
any vehicle or pedestrian gate

In addition to any penalty imposed, the management committee may order the member to pay for or reimburse the club or other affected persons for the costs of restitution of damage and/or cleaning up. Such payment must be made within a reasonable time to be determined by the management committee. Failure to comply with such an order may constitute a serious breach offence that will be dealt by a disciplinary committee.

Disciplinary Committee

For a third repeated offence, or breaches of a more serious nature, your membership rights may be terminated. The Commodore or Flag Officer may bring disciplinary charges against a member.

These charges will be prosecuted by the Commodore and heard by a disciplinary committee comprising at least 4 other members of the Management Committee.

The disciplinary committee shall consider the evidence brought forward by the Commodore and the response of the member or other party/ies, and may if necessary make inquiries themselves.

The disciplinary committee shall then, by majority vote, determine the guilt or innocence of the person (on the balance of the probabilities) and impose a penalty. Your membership rights may only be terminated in accordance with r.10 ss3, 4 and 5.

In such cases, a member may also avail themselves of the appeal rights provided in accordance with r.11 and r.12.

Notwithstanding the provisions of the rules or by-laws, the Club reserves the right to initiate or take any legal or recovery actions against a member or other person to meet any direct or indirect legal, clean up or damage/repair costs.